State & Local Government

Transform citizen service delivery with digital tools that promote productivity, independence, and compliance across all departments

Efficiency That Expands Your Ability to Serve

Your citizens rely on you to provide a wide variety of services quickly and consistently in accordance with your policies and legal obligations.

With Acadia, you can create a single source of truth to ensure all employees are trained and performing their duties in compliance with ever-changing requirements.

Better Citizen Engagement Starts With Your Team

Consistent Service & Resource Delivery

Rapid resolution to citizen concerns may not happen if your employees aren’t sure how to address each situation according to your policies and regulations.

Acadia provides a single source of truth to all employees regardless of their role. From answering citizen questions to performing critical tasks, the information your team needs is available instantly.

The result is a reduction in errors, an increase in timely delivery of services and an improvement in constituent satisfaction.

Accountability & Compliance

Avoid risk from execution error, fraud, and regulatory infractions when compliance expectations are met.

Managers with visibility into employee policy compliance can identify who is performing tasks according to administrative processes. They can also quickly identify who might need additional training or support. By digitally tracking compliance of policies and procedures, you create an audit trail that can help your team comply with guidelines.

Acadia also helps enforce citizen compliance by enabling permit inspectors and tax agents with all relevant codes in the field.

Rapid Deployment of Policy Changes

Change is the only constant in public service. Ensure your team has instant access to new requirements as soon as they’re implemented.

Your team can add and edit content quickly and easily using workflows that ensure all relevant authorities sign off. When you make new information available, you can require employees to acknowledge it and quiz their comprehension.

Training & Onboarding

Consistent outcomes begin with your training approach. We learn better while doing. So, job-embedded training programs are immediately more relevant than classroom activities. They take less time and require less effort to pay attention.

Acadia improves training effectiveness by injecting it into work. Employees continue to access content that supports their work after initial training is complete. No matter where your employee works – in an office, outside, or at home – they’ll have instant access to the information they need.

Managers can check comprehension with quizzing and evaluations to ensure everyone gets the support they need.

Reskilling, Upskilling, and Micro Learning

The technologies and skills required to deploy effective government change significantly over time. This requires our teams to constantly learn and improve.

Unfortunately, training in many organizations isn’t effective enough to upskill or reskill existing employees to close the gaps. Skills that are learned while actively performing tasks are learned more quickly and are recalled more readily in the future.

Acadia provides tools that help employees learn new job requirements quickly. It also provides tools to help managers see where more training is required and who is ready for more responsibility.

Employee Engagement = Citizen Engagement

Engaged employees are more likely to provide great service to your citizens. One of the best ways to encourage engagement is to empower employees with knowledge.

In Acadia, employees can quickly find the information they need to answer any question they receive from constituents. There’s no need to pass the buck to another employee or try to track down a supervisor.

We also make it easier for every employee to provide feedback and share best practices.

Pre-Approved Vendor

Acadia is a pre-approved vendor on many state and local government contracts to make purchasing our technology and services easier and faster.  We help you improve your agencies’ efficiency starting day one when you decide to work with us.

State Government Example Use Case

Use Acadia to enable oversight for different types of healthcare facilities across the state with Acadia as the enabling platform.

Here’s how we help:

  • Manage documentation to process, manage, and regulate multiple types of health facilities that each have different standards
  • Monitor rigorous team onboarding and training process including document completion and quizzing results
  • Employee engagement through staff implementation of documentation ensures continued adherence to protocol

Read more

County Government Example Case Study

For providing services to residents and oversight to businesses and healthcare organizations operating in the county.

Here’s how we help:

  • Enable consistent enforcement of regulatory requirements across the county
  • Ensure guidelines for permits, inspections, and other services are up-to-date and available to employees working in the field
  • Provide training and microlearning to employees across all aspects of government when needed during the course of job performance

Government Agency Example Case Study

For operating a residential treatment facility serving adolescents who are experiencing emotional, behavioral, and learning difficulties.

Here’s how we help:

  • Support training for those providing care and other resources to residents in the program
  • Provide a single source of truth to support daily operations and critical process execution
  • Enable consistent care for patients across shifts and among providers

Real World Results

After seeing how easy it was to use, my staff led the way on implementing Acadia. Now it drives all of our onboarding, training and procedures.
Executive Director, Healthcare Quality
Maryland Department of Health

Why Acadia

Enterprise Ready

Technology that meets the most rigorous requirements but is as easy to implement and use as consumer-grade applications.


View the performance of your workforce, teams and individual employees holistically and compared to other business data sources.

Behavior Change

Help your employees consistently practice One Best Way skills and ensure they are retained.


Easily integrate with your business data sources – HRIS, ERP, WMS, etc.


Meet regulatory obligations with complete audit trails for employees and documents

Available Everywhere

Access on any device with a browser online or offline.

See Acadia in action, ask for a demo

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