Lazer Spot leads yard management industry with innovative driver safety tools in Acadia
Leader in yard management services is instilling drivers with One Best Way safety and quality procedures by reinforcing them during onboarding, training and onsite activities.

Hunt Valley, MD – SAI, a software products and consulting firm, today announced that Lazer Spot recently deployed Acadia® Performance Platform across the 400+ distribution and manufacturing sites it services.
Acadia can make every employee your best employee by standardizing processes and safety protocols, tracking compliance, and providing just-in-time access to job aids.
“The growing team at Lazer Spot takes great pride in their commitment to safety and customer service. Implementing Acadia will help them streamline training and onboarding as they continue to grow. It will also help ensure their One Best Way safety procedures are followed every time,” said Ric Hughes, CEO at SAI.
“At Lazer Spot, each of our drivers must complete an extensive training program. We reinforce that training on site, with managers who audit drivers and ensure all safety and quality procedures are performed to our rigorous specifications. Acadia is enabling our ability to consistently train, confirm comprehension and provide additional support to drivers as they execute their work. Because our drivers have access to the right tools, in the field, they are more engaged and have fewer accidents,” added Adam Newsome, CEO at Lazer Spot.
About Lazer Spot
Lazer Spot is the industry leader in third-party yard management services. Spotting and local shuttles are their core business, not an auxiliary function. Clients who work with Lazer Spot get their full attention, years of experience, and commitment to customer satisfaction.
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